Sunday, April 5, 2009

Healthy eating

I eat healthy food such as vegetables and drink milk and eat egg everyday.It helps us to reduce diabetes,some unhealthy food are like potato chips or McDonald,KFC and other fast food restaurant.We can eat those some time like once a month or twice.It helps us to reduce fats and salt or sugar and will have a slight chance of having heart attack.Some disease are heart attack or diabetes and other harmful disease.eating vegetables and fruits helps us to keep our body strong and will fight against germs,it helps make our body strong as well.I do like some vegetables and fruits,my favourite fruit is the apple and my favourite vegetable is the cabbage.Yes I support the school campaign to help the students to eat more vegetables,I think it is resonable as the school is willing to allow us to eat more fruits and vegetables.The school had organise a competition on who can eat the most vegetables or fruits,the class who eat the most number of fruits or vegetables will win a nintendo wii.It is also good for our health too.The activites are like those who are able to eat alot of fruits or vegetables can win a big surprise from the whole school.Thank you for reading and everyone can eat more vegetables and fruits.

Friday, February 27, 2009

It helps us to improve our English language and understanding of the subject.I like silent reading as it improves our understanding of our language and improves our vocabulary and grammar and have an interest in reading and make it our hobby to read when we are free and we can read when there is no teacher in the class and by doing that no trouble will be caused in the classroom or anywhere else in the school.I like reading certain books like fable or books about fighting in the medieval times it gives me more interest in reading books as i usually do not read or borrow books from the library in school or the national library.Reading will help us in our English language or even EQ.Bring students to the library once a week and ask them to borrow a book each at least one Chinese and English and add more books to the school library.I would recommend this book called "Fantastic four 2"It is interesting and you should watch the movie as well as it has fascinating parts in the story and will make you fall out of your seat.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

outside school activites

I do not have any activities outside school but I go cycling or swimming during the weekends or weekdays if we have time.I usually have my tuition at 7.30 to 8.30 in weekdays and also on weekends with my aunt as she is a school teacher in Te mask Primary School.I have Chinese tuition on Thursday and Sunday least 1hour and 30minutes.I have tuition as my studies is not very good and needs improvement as I am weak at my maths and Chinese.I go cycling as it helps me to relax and I like to feel the wind when I cycle very fast in downtown east.I do not feel stress as it allow me to breathe in fresh air and relieve my stress.In my opinion other people should have outside school activities to put their mind out of studying and relax for a while and not study too much and have family time like going to the beach or shopping and other things you would like to do with your family over the weekend.My greatest interest is to play computer and as well study for my science and other subject.My aunt had this saying,study hard and you can play hard at the same time.I would hang out with my friends after school if my aunt allows me too and I have a responsibility to be a techno cop and help Mr alphie on the computer and projector.Thank you for reading my post.

Monday, February 16, 2009

passion for learning

It is to have an great understanding and knowledge for the subject you like.I helps us to continue sudying the subject and have a very grea intrest in hings we do.I know a family member who has a very strong sense of passion for learning,she is my older sister who is living in austraila and is still studying as she likes to have an education.My sister show her passion for learning by begging my parents to let her continiuing her,I have not settle down and still in a hoilday mood.I should take up a subject I like and continue making progress in that subject I chose.I have promised to stop fooling around and study hard for the major exams that are coming soon and revise for my PSLE exam as it is the start of your future.

Monday, February 2, 2009

It helps us to work to our goal to pass in our PSLE and the school values.Maybe if the students are truefull enough to do their part to achievre what they set in their goals.We really have the destiny of oue future in our own hands and this exam will change every student in the school future to be a failure or a scholarship in the future.I plan my timetable with my aunty and do revision every time.I have a plan by studying at least 3 hour a day and do at least 3 papers for each subject.our parents or guardian shall force us to do more work and revise more and do our work everyday and donnot let our teacher scold us for misbehaving.If I have scored at least 60 marks for maths,I will allow myself to play computer for half an hour.Remind us what will happen if we fail our PSLE exam and what kind of future we will have when we grow up.
The school vision is(a school of distinction nurturing future-ready citizens of character)Our school mission is(Providing quality education to equip pupils with the values,knowledge and skills for the 21st century)Our values are in acronym called(spices)which stands for selfdiscipline,passion for learning,integrity,courage,excellenc,sincerity.The school vision,mission and values are resonable and is relavent too.Yes I belive in the school values.I donnot know but some of them does.Follow to what the values are and do it.The teacher can organise like 10 minutes of self reading or 10 minutes of reflecting on what had they done every week.
I spent my holiday by playing alot of computer games and had tutioun.I did not go anywhere for my holiday.I went out to shop for my chinese new year clothes and went to restraunt for dinner.I went to malaysia and went to penang to see my uncle who lives in malaysia.After that me and my parents went to singapore to sent me back to my new guardian house.
F1 is the highest class of auto racing and racers race at their highest speed up to 360km/h with the engine rewing up to 19,000RPM.F1 started in europe.I donnot think singapore can held theF1 race as it has insufficent space.They wiil be able to watch the f1 race favourite driver is felipe massa as he is good in driving but it was a pity he had an accident involving the pipe not taken before he continued and finished at 13th place.I dislike a thing in F1 racing as it is quite deafing and makes my ear pain.I did not watch the F1 but I watch it on tv instead of real life.
reading helps us improve our english language in oral and grammer or vocabulary.I usually read comics books and very few fiction books.I usually do not read books as there ia no books of my intrest.yes they are affecting our reading and studies as well.bring the class to he libaray every 2 weeks.I would recomend this book called ERAGON and happy reading!!!!!!!